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IoT Based Solar Monitoring - The Dawn of New Green Energy

· IoT
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In today’s world, where we are using all forms of renewable or non-renewable energy to a more considerable extent, energy conservation and IoT based monitoring system have become very important. Moreover, if we say that electricity has become one of the most vital things in the modern world, it would not be an overstatement. The usage of electricity has been increasing over the past years. More so because of the rapid increase in industry, judicial usage of electricity has become even more critical.

We all are aware that the electricity demand is rising at a rate of knots. Thus, this leaves us with no choice but to switch to renewable energy sources, solar energy. Now the key here lies to maximize the usage of solar energy. This can be done by implementing profound monitoring systems.

The IoT based monitoring systems can play a huge hand in regulating the usage of solar power so that the source of energy is used to its optimum. Moreover, in solar power monitoring, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as one of the leading technologies.

As IoT is the technology of billions of physical devices connected through the internet, it becomes easier to monitor them.Moreover, solar power monitoring systems using IoT can be cost and time efficient as well.

This blog will see what paradigm shifts IoT-based solar monitoring systems will bring in the green energy space. 

How IoT is applied in the solar power monitoring system

IoT, in general, is a fascinating concept to understand. Since the proliferation of the internet, the usage of IoT technology and IoT devices have expanded rapidly. Moreover, for the solar industry, things and technologies have evolved a lot since the nineties.

Solar panel monitoring using IoT has brought in a paradigm shift in the realm of solar power systems. The inclusion of the Internet of Things in solar panel  has made it possible for manufacturers to develop lightweight solar cells. These solar cells can be attached to the roofs or on the vehicles as well. These solar cells help households and other solar investors use solar energy to optimally reduce their dependence on non-renewable sources.

Moreover, solar power monitoring system use IoTwhere anyone can track the solar panel system from enywhere. This is because the solar tracking system is designed for performance enhancement and online simulation. In addition to this, it helps in initiating the preventive maintenance procedure.

By utilizing the power rendered by the Internet of Things, solar investors and other utility companies can govern solar energy usage in a better way. As their decision-making process will be dependent on data-driven insights, it will be beneficial for their business in the long run.  Moreover, the data will also enable you to make more consumer-centric products in the future and race ahead of your peers.

What does monitoring a solar power system means through IoT?

IoT based solar monitoring, renders credible information about the performance of the system. Through real-time monitoring, businesses can oversee the areas of concern and rectify them as per the requirement. Moreover, different indicators help in monitoring the different parts of the solar power system.

Some of the sensors help in different external conditions. These conditions include: 

• Temperature: 

• Radiance of the sun

• Cell temperature

• Wind speed

Along with the above-mentioned external conditions, the IoT technology also helps measure the surrounding system performances. These performances include:

• Battery voltage levels –these levels will indicate the life and health of the battery

• Performance of the inverter – Regular indication of the performance levels of the inverter will keep you posted about the areas in the machine that need attention. 

• Total output of the system –this implies the amount of electric energy produced by the solar power system

• String voltage – In a solar PV system, the maximum and a minimum number of PV modules connected in a series are known as strings. It is essential to know the number of the PV modules as they produce less voltage in high temperature and more at lower temperatures

• Modeled energy products vs. the actual energy production 

Working process of solar power monitoring system using IoT

 We all know that a solar array is made up of thousands of solar panels. And looking at the number of arrays, it becomes pretty difficult to monitor their production ability for a sustainable period.

All the panels are wired together in the solar power generating system and it converts the direct current and alternating current. Thus, as the amount of power generation is very high, it is inevitable to use the Internet of Things technology here.

Companies should understand that the success of the monitoring system will directly depend on the reliability of the communication network. If the gateway cannot credibly transmit the information, it would be challenging for the monitoring system to do its work.

The IoT monitoring system has wireless configurations. Because of this, it will not have extra hard wires and their maintenance. Thus, the total production cost will be reduced in a very drastic way.

We know that wireless communication has a greater demand when it comes to extensive scale coverage. Thus, the solar energy monitoring system using IoT help system go about its work more profoundly and effectively.


As per the current energy trends, businesses need to move towards renewable energy sources for a better future. One of the best renewable energy is solar energy. The solar energy is easy to access and is available in abundance. Solar panel monitoring using iot,will help companies to use solar energy in its most optimal manner. Because of this, not only would the companies save a fortune on their development cost, but they will be able to satisfy the needs of their target customers properly.